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Friday, August 28, 2015

How to Power Wash like a Pro

Power washing is a great way to thoroughly clean exterior walls, concrete, sidewalks and other surfaces that are exposed to the outdoor elements. This is one of the many tasks our commercial cleaning services near Minneapolis can help you with. And we also thought we would share some of our favorite how-to tips on getting the most out of your power washing.

Be sure to test your power washer first, especially if you have never used it before. Start by standing several feet from the surface you are trying to clean. Take the wand and slowly move it back and forth and side to side a few times and then switch the power washer off. Go up to the surface and take a look and see how clean the surface is. If it is still dirty, move a foot or so closer and then try again. This is a great way to see just how strong the power washer is without risking any damage to the surface you’re trying to get clean.

Then make sure you have a set plan or To Do List of what you are trying to clean. You shouldn’t just start power washing at random because you could end up missing spots or creating far more work for yourself than necessary. Planning also means you can account for smaller objects or features that might be on the surfaces you are trying to clean. Be sure to remove anything that could get broken in advance so you don’t accidentally do any damage.

Finally, if you are using any kind of soap or cleaning chemical in your power washer, make sure you thoroughly rinse the surface before the soap or cleaning chemical dries. Sometimes if the soap dries on that surface, it can cause it to become discolored. And be sure to test your soap or cleaning chemical on a small and inconspicuous surface before you use it on the rest of the surface. That way if there are any problems with the chemical, you will know before you apply it everywhere else.

For more suggestions on power washing, you should call our professional cleaning services. We can take care of this task for you so you don’t have to worry about it!

Are you interested in learning more about our commercial cleaning services near Minneapolis, call All Source Building Services and Supply Co. at 952-473-3228 or contact us to get a Free Estimate.