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Monday, November 28, 2011

Office Carpet Catastrophes

Office carpets take a lot of punishment and, because of this, are usually designed with durability and stain-resistance in mind. But there are some accidents that office carpets can't defend, and sometimes immediate action is required to prevent permanent consequences. Here are a few tips for potential office carpet catastrophes you might face.

Coffee Spills
Immediately soak up the excess coffee with a towel. Apply soda water to the affected area of the carpet, dry the spot, and repeat the process until you've eliminated the stain completely.

Beer Spills
If your office party gets a little bit out of hand and you spill some beer on the carpet, soak it up with a paper towel and clean the area with warm water.

Ink Stains
Ballpoint pen ink stains should be dried up as soon as possible. Apply methylated spirits to the area, or use another type of stain remover. In the case of a fountain pen, apply soda water to the stain, and apply a mixture of soap flakes to it. After 15 minutes, clean the mixture, and repeat this process until the stain disappears.

Contact All Source to request a free quote and have your office looking better in no time.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Office Cleaning Tips: Keyboard Spill

Your professional cleaning company can take care of the daily mess that accumulates after you leave work, but what if disaster strikes during the day? What if you accidentally spill something onto your keyboard, which is, in some cases, the most important tool in your office?

Lifehacker details a way to clean up your keyboard by taking it apart, giving it a thorough scrub-down, and allowing it to dry. After re-assembling your keyboard, it should be back to working condition. Check out this slideshow, and keep this in mind if you're ever forced to stare down such a terrible fate.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.