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Friday, December 16, 2011

A+ Building Services from All Source

The Better Business Bureau is an organization that rates businesses and aims to alert both consumers and businesses of fraud, makes public the ethical practices of a business, and acts as a mediator when disputes arise between consumers and businesses.  

Why is this important? The BBB has graded All Source Building Services & Supply with an A+ rating.

We're proud of our A+ rating and our commitment to outstanding customer service. We pride ourselves on providing top-notch building services to our customers, keeping facilities clean and orderly while re-stocking any important supplies so our customers can do what they do best -- run their business.

If you'd like to put All Source to work for you, give us a call at 952-473-3228. You can also complete a form for a free building services estimate.

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Forgotten, Yet Vital Office Supplies

Think about some of the office supplies your company needs so your employees can do their jobs. You're probably thinking staples, paperclips, paper, and so on -- and you're right. These types of office supplies are important. But what about the office supplies you aren't thinking of?

Paper towels. Napkins. Toilet paper. Soap. Safety supplies. All very important office supplies that are used on a daily basis, yet you might not think of them. You don't interact with them as part of your job. Instead, they exist in the background. You use them without really thinking about it, and then you go back to work. Usually, the only time you think about these types of supplies are when they're running low or, worse, when they've run out.

That's where we come in.

All Source not only provides office cleaning services, but will also supply, refill and stock your company up on products like roll towels, lunchroom supplies, lighting products, toilet paper, hygiene products, trash liners, and more. We remember to keep these products in constant supply so you don't have to.

Friday, December 9, 2011

All Source's Unique Experience

Other cleaning companies can talk about having years of experience, but not many companies can boast the type of experience All Source owner Dan Shanesy has.

Before starting All Source, Shanesy actually spent 17 years as a commercial property manager. Before he started a company that cleans and provides other services to office buildings, he was in charge of hiring those companies. This experience has afforded Shanesy the ability to view the provider-client relationship from both sides.

When it comes time to select an office services company for your business, go with a company that knows what your company wants, and where other providers fall short.